Coronavirus Jokes Are Everywhere And Here Are 30 Of The Best Ones This Week

The coronavirus is no joke anymore. Allegedly, Google has canceled its annual April Fools’ Day joke, claiming that it’s not the time to be messing around. As the sources for killer humor are running dry, people are nowhere near ready to stop. And the latest comic gems are in!

Bored Panda has collected the hottest series of viral memes, puns, quips, observations, and wisdom bites into this one batch of an immune booster. Yep, it’s true! Laughter is said to increase immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, meaning you may become more resistant to the virus after reading this. How do you like the punapocalypse now, Corona?!


12 hours ago (edited)

Hahaha this is something my hubby would do, so this is one post I definitely wont share with him. Don’t need to give him any ideas.


12 hours ago

When Pennywise rips your arm off you still won’t be able to wipe so keep walking!


11 hours ago

Number one thing we’re gonna do if time travel is ever created is send the anti-vaxxers back into Victorian England when people were dumping their raw refuse into the Thames. Right up there with jettisoning the flat-earthers into space.

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Every year, companies flood the internet with bogus posts and elaborate news for the April 1st. But the world is facing the coronavirus pandemic, which has drastically changed the ways we live. While most of us are now leading our lives online, experts warn about the importance of reliable and trustworthy information when it comes to Covid-19. But any potential April Fools’ joke would be a step into the fakery zone.

Hence, Google has cancelled its pranks this year, reports Business Insider. “This year, we’re going to take the year off from that tradition out of respect for all those fighting the COVID-19 pandemic,” Lorraine Twohill, head of marketing at Google, wrote in an email to company managers. “Our highest goal right now is to be helpful to people, so let’s save the jokes for next April, which will undoubtedly be a whole lot brighter than this one.”


11 hours ago (edited)

Switch the closed caption to another language . A trick to learning a new one

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11 hours ago



11 hours ago


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It turns out, the coronavirus crisis may have also changed the way we perceive jokes. One professor at the University of California, Coye Cheshire told CNET: “Right now it might be hard for companies and individuals to read the room virtually.” The potential to misread any joke is high as ever, and any potential prank may become a subject of severe criticism.

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a communications professor at the University of Pennsylvania, warns that coronavirus jokes could be viewed as the truth. The critics of corona jokes say that even if toilet paper pranks are hilarious, they might set off panic buyers.


12 hours ago

World premiere


12 hours ago



12 hours ago (edited)

Yeah this. So many people saying ‘I won’t get it’ or ‘I don’t have it’ or ‘I’m not social distancing and staying home’. No you may not have it but you may also be asymptomatic. You may be passing on your germs to someone with a compromised immune system without knowing it. Stay home, it’s not about you, it’s about the people who need protecting.

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On the other hand, humor is known as an excellent coping mechanism.

Stanford researcher Andrea Samson and psychology Professor James Gross ran an experiment where subjects were asked to improvise jokes. They found that people who made any kind of quip benefited, reporting both increases in positive emotions and decreases in negative emotions.

“If you are able to teach people to be more playful, to look at the absurdities of life as humorous, you see some increase in wellbeing,” said Samson in this Stanford News report.


12 hours ago

That is just adorable, especially the way the cat is using it’s paw.

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12 hours ago

All those doggos are going to be exhausted by the time this is over.

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12 hours ago (edited)

We have been trying to fight stupidity since humans began, still waiting for a anti stupid vaccine to be created. Too bad the anti vaxxers are the ones that need it the most. (Oh no she didn’t).

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11 hours ago

Piece of fruit 😂

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7 hours ago

That’s what it feels like every single day. I also feel like I’m on Punk’d.


9 hours ago

The reality of this is actually kind of sad.

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5 hours ago

Plot twist: She never had a husband

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7 hours ago

yeah what happened to that i feel like everyone just forgot that happened

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12 hours ago

Try harder, cat!! Seriously, poor thing… 😦

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12 hours ago

That’s really sad. And true… hugs to everyone who has suffered any kind of loss


11 hours ago (edited)

Who’s laughing? ME! Ha! I pay with my phone. *vanity gesture of dramatically pushing my hair backwards with my hand* ooooohohohohooh (and, yes, it’s waterproof too)

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5 hours ago

That expression tho 🤣🤣🤣


12 hours ago

How many years are there in March exactly?

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12 hours ago

that’s not wrong!


7 hours ago

american gothic more like american go inside


11 hours ago

He does look like a poodle.


12 hours ago (edited)

If he doesn’t pop up on the screen and say ‘alright alright alright’ as a greeting then there’s no point to life anymore.


12 hours ago

He could have had him at much less

See Also on Bored Panda



Note: this post originally had 100 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.

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30 Memes Roasting Inconsiderate People Who Catch Cheap Flights During Coronavirus Outbreak

With the coronavirus public health crisis in full swing, The Department of State has restricted travel from and to the US. Chinese and Iranian citizens are no longer allowed to enter the country, and any US national coming back from one of the emergency-stricken countries is required to self-quarantine for 14 days. Should be enough to stay home, you think.

But for some individuals, slashed airline prices are all it takes to pack a bag and get into holiday mode. Hence, people are giving a roasting meme treatment to everyone with a positive coronavirus test who thinks it’s the right time to travel. Let’s take look at some of best pieces so far.


8 hours ago

I like it better with the pigeons.


6 hours ago

Well yes but actually no


6 hours ago

I’m a simple girl. I see tom holland, I upvote.

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Even though the Center For Disease Control And Prevention has made it clear that people should avoid non-essential travel, the recent travel deals for international and domestic flights might look tempting. Expedia offers a flight from New York to Paris for only 112 dollars on March 23. Austin Horowitz, an aviation management consultant, explains that “it’s almost a negative price that airlines will have to pay to get people to fly.” But airlines are willing to keep prices so low in order to make people start traveling again.


6 hours ago

Bob Ross predicted it.


6 hours ago

We all were taught to share as kids, right?


7 hours ago (edited)

Bestseller for spring break 2020

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Some believe that the risk of air travel comes down to the recycled air all passengers breathe during a flight. All planes have HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters installed to filter out 99.9% percent of dust, mold, and microbes. If they work properly, then there’s no reason to worry about the air too much. The close proximity between passengers and various surfaces on the plane may cause far greater risk. If you do fly, then remember to wash your hands frequently throughout the flight and try not to touch your face.


6 hours ago

Roses are red violets are blue, Your face belongs in a zoo, I’ll be there too, not in the cage But laughing at you!

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9 hours ago

This one is too funny and too sad

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6 hours ago

🎶Everybody’s looking for somethiiiiing🎶

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6 hours ago

Taking over the world!

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5 hours ago

Masks do NOT work. Properly fitted respirators worn by people trained in their use and maintenance do. Stop buying masks and gloves. Those of us that work in health care and labs need them and cannot get them as a result of ignorant panic buying.

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6 hours ago

No….. don’t give in!!!


6 hours ago

Pretty much


6 hours ago

**thomas the train theme starts playing

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6 hours ago

Wow trump Wow 😳


9 hours ago

They lost one in Italy

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6 hours ago

There going to Italy 🇮🇹


4 hours ago



6 hours ago

No don’t travel unless you want to take over the world.

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6 hours ago

This comment has been deleted.


6 hours ago

To much of these.

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6 hours ago

Welcome to the Atlanta airport – literal most busy airport on earth


2 hours ago


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5 hours ago

*tokyo drift music starts playing*

See Also on Bored Panda


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5 hours ago

Zombie Warnings are still scarier.


1 hour ago

This is it, the apocalypse

Note: this post originally had 36 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.

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